Hello all, As usual, it has been a while since my last post. But that is for a very, very good reason this time. I am once again gainfully employed! I’m working as a reporter/photographer again, but this time in the Nepean/Barrhaven neck of the woods. If you google my name, you might just find […]
Hello all! It is so exciting to be back in Ottawa. Of course, one of the things I can’t wait to take advantage of, other than movie theatres, multiple cuisine choices and proximity to many great friends, is photo opportunities in this awesome city! I’ve taken a couple weeks to settle in, but, as always, […]
Hello all! Today I thought I would share a little colour for those in well over half of Canada still being ravaged by cold weather and snow. This is also my first post from Ottawa in over a year and a half! I have just recently left High Level to live once again in Ottawa, […]
Hello all! I hope everyone had a great holiday and are excited for the new year! I’ve had quite an adventure, picking up my fiancée from the airport after four months apart, a trip through the Rocky Mountains in the night while it snowed, and a wonderful Christmas with family, most of which I haven’t […]
Hello all! As usual lately, it has been a while. That’s because I am getting ready to pack up and leave High Level, and move back to Ottawa! So it’s been hectic. But, over the past few weeks, I have still found some time for photography. One of the coolest things is … one of […]
Hello all! So, I didn’t take any new photos this week, but I did work on featuring my best photos from the past year and a bit a little better. I have completely updated my portfolio pages to reflect my best work over the whole life of this website, including my trip to Paris, High […]
Hello all! Boy do I have lots of photos for you! I went out to photograph the beauty of the newly fallen snow, partly to convince myself that, yes, it is indeed pretty and not cold and evil. Turns out, in the right light, it is amazing! It was pretty darn cold out when I […]
Hello everyone, It’s been a while! I must confess I’ve been a bit stagnant when it comes to photo ideas recently. But then, we had a few days of amazing sunsets, and I mean some really vibrant stuff. So, I thought, instead of heading out to Footner Lake, which has been my fallback, why not […]
Hi everyone, I’m sure by now, many of you have discovered my love of alliteration, hence the above title. But, to be fair, there really are photos here where I used my brand new flash to fill some dark spots in my fall photography. I’m really happy with some of the results. Even though I […]
Hello all, I have some different photos for you today. I have been a busy photo bee while I haven’t been posting (sorry about that). But now, I have some examples of my paid work to show you! Here is a very special first birthday that I was hired to take pictures for. Some examples […]