Hello all!
This week I’ve tried to take my concept of light painting with pre-existing artistic movement (in this case, dancing) and take it to the next level.
With a bunch help from some dancer buddies of mine, I’ve got a set of photos that go a long way in showing what kind of thing can be accomplished with this idea. I’ve had Derek (aka ZPlitz) and Chris do some dancing with a few new light toys I’ve picked up, and the results are pretty cool.
The coolest thing about these photos is not the interesting light colours and designs that come out of it. If that’s all you want, you could have someone pose in one position, then get some other people to wave lights around, and you will get some interesting shots.
In fact, that is what we did in this shot, just to show another way to use lights in a hiphop/dance atmosphere.
But the coolest thing about these dancing photos is that what you are seeing is a representation of what actually happened.
So that is how far we have gone with this whole action-light-painting jazz. I’m really excited about it because there seems like there is so much more to do with it, and also because it hits on something really important: it tells a story. You can’t just glance at it and get everything you can out of it in a second. It needs a bit of thought, and gradually you can see more. Also it looks really cool!
I hope to have many more chances to try out this technique with talented artists, ranging from musicians to dancers, martial artists, acrobats and other movers and shakers of all sorts.
So, anyone who could lend their talents to me, please get in touch. I would love to work with you! Click HERE for my contact information.
Thanks for looking, and I hope you are enjoying this as much as I am. More to come. Also, thanks to my friends Chris and Derek for coming out. It was a ton of fun!