Hello all!
I am happy to say that, at long last, it is indeed Spring in Ottawa. Apart from finally getting some warm weather, it also means that photographers finally have some lively, colourful things to shoot! Thank gawwwwd is all I have to say.
What follows are shots from two trips – to the field behind McCarthy Park, and to Parc de Plaisance just east of Gatineau. These springtime shoots were all about taking notice of small details, taking the time to compose shots, and alternately, learning to be quick on the draw to catch wildlife. I am just going to post a few photos here, but if you want to see my full gallery of shots, click HERE.
Those are some of my favourite shots I took on those two trips. I hope they gave you the urge to go out and see what is growing this spring! If you want to see more, click HERE for the full gallery.
Thanks for looking!