Hello all!!! Some exciting news — I’ve got a photo up in a gallery! This is the first time I’ve had a photo piece of mine properly displayed in a gallery, so I’m fairly excited about it. It’s a community gallery in a museum, so not huge, but it’s still exciting. Let me tell you […]
What’s new, you ask? A few things. A few things… I’ve worked as a newspaper reporter for almost seven years now, and it turns out that seven might be enough for me. Time to go in a new direction. So I’ve embarked on an adventure of creativity and exploration. Need some help writing website copy […]
Hello all you photo faithful, How is it going? I mean, we all knew last night was going to be all about the green, but I don’t think we figured it would be Aurora green! (yeah, I went there). Anyway, yours truly jumped in the car last night with my faithful and lovely assistant to […]
Hello all! So, I didn’t take any new photos this week, but I did work on featuring my best photos from the past year and a bit a little better. I have completely updated my portfolio pages to reflect my best work over the whole life of this website, including my trip to Paris, High […]
Hi everybody! In anticipation of just about everyone lamenting the end of the weekend and having another Monday to overcome, here are some fun photos to feast upon (alliteration is my favourite). This blog post is all about shooting in the dark (whether outside or inside), as well as a cool trick that any […]