Hello everyone:) In case you didn’t know, I now have a cat. His name is Maurice, or Moe for short. Rhymes with ‘No,’ which we tend to say a lot. But really, he’s a wonderful and affectionate cat, not unlike many pets. And like many pet owners, my wife and I love taking photos of […]
Hello all you photo faithful, How is it going? I mean, we all knew last night was going to be all about the green, but I don’t think we figured it would be Aurora green! (yeah, I went there). Anyway, yours truly jumped in the car last night with my faithful and lovely assistant to […]
Hello all! I finally have some photos to show you. Well, not finally really. Half of what I’ve been doing since I got my new job in Ottawa has been taking photos, and at some pretty awesome events I might add. I am working on getting to show you all those on my newspaper’s website […]
Hello all, As usual, it has been a while since my last post. But that is for a very, very good reason this time. I am once again gainfully employed! I’m working as a reporter/photographer again, but this time in the Nepean/Barrhaven neck of the woods. If you google my name, you might just find […]
Hello all, As you may know, I’ve decided to start a new series which features some of my older work that I have not shown here yet. Secretly, it is also a way for me to post without having to actually go out and take pictures during a busy work week, but I digress. […]
The days are marching on faster, now. It is nearly time for me to leave Ottawa and friends for my sojourn in the north. That is why on Monday night I thought that it would be fitting to do one last late night photo shoot walking the streets of Ottawa. Long exposure shots, HERE I […]
This post is the first in what will be a very short farewell series to the city of Ottawa. As most of you know, I am leaving soon for a reporter/photographer job in High Level, Alberta, which is very far north. But first – The Ottawa Marathon 2012! All of the photos here were taken […]