Hello all! A lot has happened in the last few months, and I find myself doing freelance work for a variety of arts groups. One of those is the Schooner Cove Singers, a new choir in the Parksville/Qualicum Beach area that is unique for its interest in choir music that includes the organ, and their […]
So, if you don’t know already … I’ve moved! Gone or the cold, snowy, blustery days of Ottawa (that’s how it is for half the year, anyway. Plus, it’s basically black and white for that period, with some brown of bare branches and maybe some blue sky. Not to be hating, but it gets old), […]
Hello everyone:) In case you didn’t know, I now have a cat. His name is Maurice, or Moe for short. Rhymes with ‘No,’ which we tend to say a lot. But really, he’s a wonderful and affectionate cat, not unlike many pets. And like many pet owners, my wife and I love taking photos of […]
Hello all you photo faithful, How is it going? I mean, we all knew last night was going to be all about the green, but I don’t think we figured it would be Aurora green! (yeah, I went there). Anyway, yours truly jumped in the car last night with my faithful and lovely assistant to […]
Hello everyone, This time I’m showing some photos I’ve had for a few weeks now. It’s been pretty hectic, what with the municipal elections and the shootings at the National War Memorial and Parliament. A busy time for a local journo, definitely. But here are some shots I took during my trip to Toronto for […]
Hi everyone, I have something … a little different for you this week. I’m becoming more and more interested in the technique of light painting (using flashlights and other light-emitting devices to make effects in a photo), and I was sitting around, thinking about what I could with the devices I have on hand without […]
Hello everyone! Boy, has it been a long while! I have to say, I’ve been in a bit of a funk the past month when it comes to getting off my butt and taking photos for pleasure. But, a camping trip to Algonquin Park last week was just what I needed to finally pull off […]
Hello all! Here are some night photos! As some of you know, warm nights are very possibly my favourite time to take photos. Walking around Ottawa is really fun when you are looking for unique angles, lighting and a subject. Those are the main things I look for. I’ve found it’s not enough to find […]
Hello all, Sorry about the lack of posts recently, but this one is pretty awesome for you car lovers out there. I’m talking about Italian stallions, a.k.a. Ferraris! It was Italian fest in Ottawa a few weekends ago, and I got there just in time to take some photos of some lovely Ferraris. I got […]
Hi all, When reading the title of this post, just imagine the average man singing the word Blossom with his best pseudo-operatic voice, and that’s what I was hoping you would hear when reading it. So, that being said, the theme of this post is pretty straight forward. I’ve got to admit, though, shooting flowers […]